Celebrated, accreditation and achievements. This page is dedicated as a memory of humble thanks and appreciation for the individual work and efforts placed by individuals whom have earned it.
They have shown commitment to continuous growth for this game.
Without their significant involvement, there would a lack of treasured entertainment. Thank you so much again.
The following three players have been honored to receive the remarkable acknowledgement of the Good Conduct -Bronze level- award. This level goes towards the players whom have attended 25 simulations thus far, it shows there dedication at step one. I’m glad to post this and confirm all that these players have been committed and supportive towards Onimaru.
Liizie Farrell: award Good Conduct (Bronze)
Patrick O'Connell: award Good Conduct (Bronze)
Nerys Kianna: award Good Conduct (Bronze)
Chief of Science
Nerys Kianna
25 live sims on 06/27/2016
Promotion to: Jr Lt Commander 04/18/16
Chief of Engineering
With her dubious attention to detail within the engineering department, it has been a entertaining challenge observing what happens to the ship. The play of push versus pull the plot causes to a character with the responsibly of the ships wellbeing.
Additionally, she has a high attendance record. I can not see why there should be any objection to this placement. So as it may be; here on April 18th Two-Thousand and Sixteen I promote Lieutenant Chief Engineer Mellisari to Junior Lieutenant Commander for outstanding attendance OOC and IC for exceptional game play.
25 live sims on 06/13/2016
Patrick O'Connell
Intel Security Officer
25 live sims on 04/11/2016
Lizzie Farrell
Medical Officer