From stem to stern, the Intrepid class is one of the most advanced starships in Starfleet. The class employs a new warp core, variable geometry warp nacelles, and was the first to field both bio-neural gelpaks and the Emergency Medical Hologram system.
The class serves multiple functions based on its load out, as well as size. An Intrepid could be seen on patrol or escort duty as easily as long-range exploration or survey. State of the art computers give it unprecedented storage capacity, access speed, and rigor conditioning. This, combined with a wide array of sensors covering a large amount of the exposed surface, makes the Intrepid class a premier ship of the line for Starfleet’s scientific endeavors.
Fast, agile, and well armed, these science ships are among the more capable multi-role platforms when faced with combat situations. Advanced shielding and Type-X phaser arrays equip it admirably, with several representatives of the class serving during the Dominion War with amazing success.

USS Onimaru, NCC-76890 A
Class: Intrepid Class
Officers and Crew: 168
Evacuation Limit: 1500
Overall Length: 342.5 meters
Overall Draft: 144.84 meters
Overall Beam: 55.42 meters
Full Impulse: .25c
Cruise Speed: Warp 6
Maximum Velocity Warp 9.975 (12 hours maximum)
11 Type-X phasers, 2 forward photon torpedo launchers, 2 aft torpedo launchers
Auxiliary Craft
1 Aerowing Integrated Craft
Four Type-9 Medium Short-Range Shuttlecraft
Two Type-10 Medium Short-Range Shuttlecraft
3 Type-13 Federation Fighter Shuttle
1 Type-6 Shuttlepod
2 Workbee-type Maintenance Pods.
Three Personnel
Two Cargo
Two Emergency
(P/S) – Port/Starboard
(#) Number
Ex: (2 - 1 P/S) – “Two <object>, 1 Port and 1 Starboard”
Saucer Section
Deck 1: Main Bridge, Captain’s Ready Room, Officer’s Briefing Room, Multi-use offices, Escape Pod Access, Aft Bridge Airlock, and Upper Sensor Platform
Deck 2: Officer's Mess, Senior Officers and VIP Quarters, Executive Officer’s Office Labs and Storage, Upper Sensor Platform Subsystems, Escape Pod Access
Deck 3: Captain's Quarters, Officers' Quarters, and VIP Quarters, Equipment Storage, Torpedo Loading Maintenance, Testing Isolation Chamber, and Turbolift Maintenance.
Deck 4: Crew quarters, Transporters Rooms (2 – 1P/S), Aft Photon Torpedo Launchers, Phaser Maintenance, Forward Sensor Pallet Subsystems, and Escape Pod Access
Deck 5: Sickbay, Primary Sickbay Support Systems (ICU, Biohazard Support, Radiation Treatment Wards, Surgical Ward, Critical Care, Null-Gravity Treatment, Isolation Suites, etc.), Chief Medical Officer's Office, Counselor's Office, Crew Quarters, Library, Transporter Pattern Buffers (2 - 1 P/S), Holodecks (2 – 1P/S), Sensor Gear, Escape Pod Access, and
Deck 6: Crew Quarters, Non-Specific Science Laboratories (8 – 5P/3S) Aux Deflector Control, Aux Computer Core, Escape Pod Access,
Deck 7: Aux. Computer Core, Upper Cargo Bays 1 & 2, Labs, Escape Pod Access, RCS Thruster Access
Deck 8: Astrometrics, Chief Science Officer’s Office, Deuterium Processing, Port/Starboard/Forward Docking Ports, ODN/EPS Main Trunks, Lower Cargo Bays 1 & 2
Deck 9: Cargo Loading Doors, Aerowing Shuttle Dock, and Labs
Engineering Section
Deck 6: Deuterium (Matter) Processing, Consumables Resupply Connectors
Deck 7: Deuterium Tankage, Warp Engine Core Injector Access
Deck 8: Deuterium Tankage, Upper Premix Chamber, And Aft Work Pod Storage
Deck 9: Cargo Loading Doors, Upper Aerowing Shuttle Dock, and Labs
Deck 10: Main Shuttlebay, Shuttlebay Storage (SB2), Flight Control Center, Aft EV Access Airlock, Main Computer Core, Forward Photon Torpedo Launchers, Reserve Warp Engine Core, And Main Navigational Deflector
Deck 11: Main Engineering, Engineer's Office, Aft Lounge, Warp Core, Auxiliary Warp Engine, Main Computer Core, Main Navigational Deflector
Deck 12: Environmental Control, Antimatter Tankage, Main Deflector Control Systems
Deck 13: Warp Engine Core, Labs, Escape Pod Access, And Secondary ODN/EPS Trunks
Deck 14: Antimatter Processing, Aft Tractor Beam Emitter, Tractor Beam Subsystems, Escape Pod Access, and Ground Hover Footpad Systems
Deck 15: Antimatter Loading Port, Forward Tractor Beam Emitter, Tractor Beam Subsystems, Plasma Relay Control Rooms, and Ground Hover Footpads
Type: Intrepid Class Integrated Craft
Accommodation: 6 flight crew, 10 passengers.
Power Plant: 2 LF-9X4 Compact Linear Warp Drive Units, 2 FIB-3 Compact Impulse Units, and four RCS thrusters.
Dimensions: Length: 24.8m; Width: 29.6m (full wingspan); Height: 4.1m
Performance: Cruise: Warp 3; Max Cruise: Warp 4; Max Warp: Warp 5/12hrs
Armament: 4 Type-VI Phaser Strips, Pulse Emitter, 2 Mk-25 Micro-Torpedo Launchers
Mounted on the underside of the saucer section, the Aerowing rests in a recessed hatchway just aft of the ventral sensor array. The craft serves in the capacity of a runabout aboard larger ships. In fact the Aerowing’s technology and design is based, in large part, on the Danube class runabout.
The Aerowing provides a large secondary craft, long-range travel, and the protection, armament, and sensor capabilities beyond that of a standard auxiliary shuttle. Facilities include two sleeping bunks and a standard runabout passenger cabin. A replicator and flight couches provide for the needs of the passengers and a two-person transporter allows for beaming of personnel or cargo when needed. Atmospheric flight capabilities allow this shuttle type to land on planetary surfaces.

Intrepid class vessels are capable of atmospheric entry and egress with equipment worked into the physical design of the starship. Each vessel is equipped with anti-gravity generators as well as impulse and RCS lifters strategically placed at the mass and stress points on the bottom portion of the engineering section.
During Blue Alert, the Intrepid class lowers the projection sphere of the deflector shields and assumes an angle of attack perpendicular to the angular rotation of the planetary body if it has an atmosphere. This allows the vessel’s shape to work as a lifting body with air traveling under the broad and flat saucer and under the wing-like nacelle struts. Once in the atmosphere, navigation is controlled with RCS thrusters and use of the aft impulse engines.
It is standard procedure to lower the landing gear at approximately 2500m above the Landing Zone (LZ) surface, regardless of LZ altitude. This minimizes the drag on the vessel. Once prepared for landing, Aft impulse engines are shut down and four vents on the ventral hull are opened.
These vents cover the ventral impulse thrust plates. Impulse engines in miniature, the thrust plates serve only to provide lift to the Intrepid class as the anti-gravity generators effectively reduce its weight. The RCS thrusters provide final maneuvering power.
Once on the ground, crew or equipment can be transported to the surface from the vessel, or use the ship’s turbolift system that connects to channels inside the landing struts themselves, and open out near the ‘feet’.
Take-off is done in reverse.
Pursuant to Starfleet General Policy and Starfleet Medical Emergency Operations, at least 25% of the officers and crew of the Intrepid class are cross-trained to serve as Emergency Medical Technicians, to serve as triage specialists, medics, and other emergency medical functions along with non-medical emergency operations in engineering or tactical departments. This set of policies was established due to the wide variety of emergencies, both medical and otherwise, that a Federation Starship could respond to on any given mission.
The Mess Hall on Deck 2 can serve as emergency intensive care wards, with an estimated online timeframe of 30 minutes with maximum engineering support. Cargo Bays 1 and 2 also provide additional space for emergency triage centers and recovery overflow. Portable field emitters can be erected for contagion management.
Rescue and Evacuation Operations for an Intrepid class starship will fall into one of two categories - abandoning the starship, or rescue and evacuation from a planetary body or another starship.
Rescue Scenarios
Resources are available for rescue and evacuation to Intrepid class starship include:
The ability to transport 300 persons per hour to the ship via personnel transporters.
The availability of the 2 Type-9 shuttlecraft to be on hot standby for immediate launch, with all additional shuttlecraft available for launch in an hours notice. Total transport capabilities of these craft vary due to differing classifications but an average load of 50 persons can be offloaded per hour from a standard orbit to an M Class planetary surface.
Capacity to support up to 500 evacuees with conversion of the shuttlebays and cargo bays to emergency living quarters.
Ability to convert the Mess Hall to an emergency triage and medical center.
Ability to temporarily convert Cargo Bay 1 and 2 to type H, K, or L environments, intended for non-humanoid casualties.
Abandon-Ship Scenarios
Resources available for abandon-ship scenarios from an Intrepid class starship include:
The ability to transport 500 persons per hour from the ship via personnel and emergency transporters.
The availability of the 2 Type-9 shuttlecraft to be on hot standby for immediate launch, with all additional craft available for launch in an hours notice. Total transport capabilities of these craft vary due to differing classifications but an average load of 75 persons can be offloaded per hour from a standard orbit to an M Class planetary surface.
Protocols also include the use of Lifeboats. Each Intrepid class vessel carries 48 of the 6-person variants, which measures 5.6 meters tall and 6.2 meters along the edge of the rectangle. Each Lifeboat can survive longer if they connect together in "Gaggle Mode.”
Environmental Suits are available for evacuation directly into a vacuum. In such a scenario, personnel can evacuate via airlocks, the flight bay, or through exterior turbolift couplings. Environmental suits are available at all exterior egress points, along with survival lockers spaced throughout the habitable portions of the starship. Standard air supply in an EV suit is 4 hours.
Seeking out new worlds and new civilizations is central to all that Starfleet stands for. As something of a younger sister of the Galaxy class, Intrepids turn their impressive technology and speed to the business of pushing back the veil of the unknown.
Mission for an Intrepid class starship may fall into one of the following categories, in order of her strongest capable mission parameter to her weakest mission parameter.
Deep-space Exploration: The Intrepid class is equipped for long-range interstellar survey and mapping missions, as well as the ability to explore a wide variety of planetary classifications.
Ongoing Scientific Investigation: A Intrepid class starship is equipped with scientific laboratories and a wide variety of sensor probes and sensor arrays, as well as the state-of-the-art dorsal subspace sensor assembly; giving her the ability to perform a wide variety of ongoing scientific investigations.
Contact with Alien Lifeforms: Pursuant to Starfleet Policy regarding the discovery of new life, facilities aboard the Intrepid class include a variety of exobiology and xenobiological suites, and a small cultural anthropology staff, allowing for limited deep-space life form study and interaction.
Federation Policy and Diplomacy: A Intrepid class starship’s secondary role is the performance of diplomatic operations on behalf of Starfleet and the United Federation of Planets. These missions may include transport of Delegates, hosting of negotiations or conferences aboard in the vessel’s Conference Hall, courier for important people and/or items, and first contact scenarios.
Emergency/Search and Rescue: Typical Missions include answering standard Federation emergency beacons, extraction of Federation or Non-Federation citizens in distress, retrieval of Federation or Non-Federation spacecraft in distress. Planetary evacuation is not feasible.
Tactical/Defensive Operations: Though not designed primarily for battle, the Intrepid class –like all Starfleet vessels– is designed to be resilient and ably armed.
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