Below are two lists:
The first list is a breakdown of what each department has a general studies of. Meaning what you would have learned in Starfleet Academy broken into categories. I did this so that you could see what each department is responsible for.
The second list is a department explanation in brief. This applies for the USS Onimaru. A simple descriptive of what the actual roles do on duty.
Administration, Diplomacy, Human Resources, Starboard Management Techniques, Starfleet Administration
Advanced Astrophysics, Ship Combat, Small Ship Astrogation, Starship Astrogation, Stellar Cartography, Warp Systems ,Warp Theory & Mechanics
Data Analysis, Diplomacy, Encryption & Security, Exobiology, Federation History, History of the Galaxy, General Intelligence, Survival Strategies, Tactical Analysis, Linguistics, Foreign Relations, Xenology
Operations, Communications, Computer Systems, General Operations, Human Resources, Linguistics, Starfleet Administration, Starship Management, Ship Resources ,Shuttlecraft Mechanics, Transporter Mechanics
Artificial Intelligence Systems, Astrophysics, Biotechnology, Classical Mechanics, Damage Control, Electrical Engineering, EPS Control, Environmental Systems, General Engineering, General Maintenance, Holodeck Technology, Impulse Systems, Life Support Systems, Matter/Energy Systems, Medical Systems and Equipment, Nanotechnology, Propulsion Systems, Probability and Statistics, Probability Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics, Replicator Theory and Application, Structural Engineering, Environmental Systems, Subspace Mechanics, Systems Architecture, Temporal Mathematics, Transporter Mechanics, Warp Field Systems, Weapons and Security Systems
Advanced Interrogation Tactics, Criminal Justice, Diplomacy, Espionage, Forensic Psychology, Piloting, Interspecies Psychology, Investigative Technologies, Survival Strategies, Negotiation Tactics, Hand to Hand Combat, Combat Strategies, Weapons Systems
Battle Strategy, Espionage, Combat Piloting, Interspecies Psychology, Investigative Technologies, Survival Strategies, Tactical Reasoning, Negotiation Tactics, Combat Strategies, Weapons & Security Systems
Organic Chemistry, Medical Systems and Equipment, Pharmacology, Intensive Surgery, Neurology, Post-Operative Conditions, General Medicine, Exobiology, Medical Strategies, Trauma and Emergency Medicine, Psychology, Medical Diagnoses, Genetics, Immunology, Endocrinology, Pathology, Hematology, Non-Humanoid Medicine, Exoskelatal Physiology, Humanoid Medicine, Sociology
Astrophysics, Anthropology (subdivision: Archaeology, Cultural, Xeno-, Social, etc.), Botany, Ecology, Meteorology, Microbiology, Computer Science, Physics, Warp Theory, Geology, Exoarchaeology, Exobiology, Chemistry, Astronomy, Probability Mechanics, Temporal Mechanics, Xenology, Zoology
The starship Captain commands the starship. There is only one Captain per ship. She/He makes the decisions. Captains are responsible for the actions of his/her ship and crew. NOTHING the starship does should be without the captain's orders or approval. A Captain must always insure that these actions do not violate the PRIME DIRECTIVE.
Using the ship's bridge officers to gather data and perform functions, s/he must maintain control of the ship, and promote team work, guiding his/her crew to the successful completion of the mission.
The EXECUTIVE OFFICER (XO) is second in command of a starship. There is only one XO per ship and She/He commands in the absence of the Captain. The XO is the number one officer to the ship, and his/her duties are to make suggestions, and to assist in controlling the ship and crew. A Captain should be able to depend on his XO. The Executive Officer can double jobs as another bridge position.
The OPCON officer steers the ship in accordance with orders from the Captain. She/He sets course for the ordered destination and engages Warp (1 through 9.978), Impulse (1/4,1/2,3/4,FULL) or Thruster speed at the Commanding Officer's descression. OPCONs are highly trained pilots, who can fly many craft with expert precision. Also His/Her duties include maintaining and operating the ship's computer / sensor / navigational systems, scaning for space anomalies & navigational hazards, charting unexplored space, and remote operation of various ship's systems from the bridge. The OPCON officer has been educated very heavily in the Sciences and therefore very knowledgeable about space, time, life, the universe, and everything. She/He is the chief science officer on ships without one specifically.
The CHIEF SCIENCE OFFICER (CSCI) is a ship's scientist, She/He has been highly educated in one or more of the many sciences and works closely with the OPS officer. The SCI collects scientific data for study, makes logical conclusions and theories based on that study, and fills in for the OPS officer from time to time. Science Officers often accompany Away Teams, and always carry tricorders where ever they go, scanning everything. A Chief Science Officer position can be assigned to any ship and has been for coordinating ships with scientific missions.
The ASSISTANT SCIENCE OFFICERs (ASCI) is a ship's scientist, She/He assists the CSCI. Working in the various labs and stellar cartography they also manage the sensors maintenance. Science Officers often accompany Away Teams, and always carry tricorders where ever they go, scanning everything.
The CHIEF ENGINEERING OFFICER (CENG) is head of Engineering and oversees repair and maintenance done on the propulsion/energy and other starship systems. She/He is in charge of routing and rerouting energy throughout the ship to various systems and reporting damage to engineering systems. There is only one CENG per ship, She/He is a jack of all trades when it comes to technology, and can fix anything... given time.
ENGINEERING OFFICERs (AENG) are highly trained engineers that assist the CENG in the repair and maintenance of the starship. In the absence of the CENG, an AENG will head up the Engineering Department.
There is only one TACTICAL / CHIEF SECURITY OFFICER (TAC/CSEC) per ship. The TAC/CSEC is the head of Ship's Weapons Department, Armory, Brig, and Security. She/He is in charge of all aspects of ship's security; maintenance and operation of ship's weapons, protection of crew and Star Fleet equipment, and the detection of all unauthorized communications. The TAC/CSEC handles all incoming and outgoing hails, locks on and fires all ships weapons, scans all vessels with in range, reports damage to own ship and other vessels, repels or captures intruders, detains and interrogates possible adversaries, keeps track of all security teams, boards and captures enemy vessels, in charge of all away team security, raises and maintains ship's deflector / shield, as warranted by order of the Commanding Officer.
SECURITY OFFICERs (ASEC) assist the TAC/CSEC in providing ample security to the ship, crew, and mission. She/He will fill in for the TAC/CSEC from time to time. SEC's often accompany Away Teams, most often carry a phasers and tricorder, are very alert and scanning everything while ready to shoot as warranted by order of the Commanding Officer.
The CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER (CMO) is a medical doctor that heads up the ships Medical Department. The CMO helps the sick and wounded, pronounces biological lifeforms dead, studies biological lifeforms, diagnoses, and comes up with cures for new diseases, etc... There is only one CMO. She/He is an expert and has many degrees in the field of medicine.
The ASSISTANT MEDICAL OFFICER (MO) assists the CMO with the esponsibilities of the ship's Medical Department. AMO's are also medical doctors and fill in for the CMO from time to time. She/He will often accompany Away Teams and carry medical kits and tricorders ready to mend any possible injury.
SHIP'S COUNSELOR (CNS) is responsible for the emotional well-being of the ship's crew. A councelor's duties include providing individual guidance and advice to crew members, as well as periodic crew performance evaluations, usually performed with the ship's executive officer or other department heads. A counselor is also expected to mediate communications in difficult first contact situations, and provide advice to the Commanding Officer. Telepathic counselors will report any information (learned by telepathic means) relevant to the ship's mission to the Commanding Officer.