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When deciding whether or not to join an RPG, many members say that among their most important considerations is the rating.


How much swearing, sex, and violence can I expect?


The RPG Rating System lets admins assign a level for how much harsh language, sexual content, and violence is allowed at your rpg.


The Rating was created because ratings for other media just didn't quite fit with what roleplayers needed. The rating is not a value judgement on content - it doesn't mean that using bad words is Wrong - but rather, it's a way for roleplays to know how intense that content is so they can decide what they enjoy.


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Star Trek Onimaru is a FSF ( Role-Playing Game operated under the hosts and players. Created 8-17-2014. The website and its contents is operated, maintained and organised by its host. The story and plots are contents of the game itself owned and created by the players of the game.


Star Trek and associated names/graphics/cannon information are © & ® of Paramount CBS Studios, Inc.  No infringement is intended or implied. The Onimaru is a creation of artist Dan Uyeno.


Reference internet websites for content  @,,,, 

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